Alan’s Corner serves several purposes. First, it provides a chance for me to share my stories, whether looking back decades ago or writing about my current challenges of climbing in my 60s. Second, Alan’s Corner provides continually updated information on Smith Rock climbing, whether new routes, guidebook corrections, routes updates, and stories that go far beyond the scope of a guidebook Third, I’ll share the archives that I’ve accumulated over a 50-year climbing career, through old articles, my personal journals entries, photos, and videos. Above all, it provides an opportunity for me to make a connection with every climber that visits my website.
Long before I had any inkling of starting Watts Rocks, I’ve contemplated sharing my writings with the climbing community. I even registered a domain name before the publishing of my 2010 guide, but something always got in the way and my idea fizzled. Writing never comes easy to me, but I enjoy the creative process and I relish the opportunity to share experiences and recollections from long ago.